Disclaimer: You know the routine, I don't own these characters and I'm not affiliated with the show Young Americans.  This is normally where I would proclaim that I'm a math major and apologize in advance in case the writing sucks...but, a friend said that I'm certainly beyond that by now.  So, no apologies. 
Copyright: The people behind this site came up with these episodes and storylines so that means it would be totally immoral of you to rip off any of it.  But spin-off fanfiction is welcomed...encouraged even:)
About the format: The episodes are written so that you feel like you're watching the episode (at least that is the intention) so the cuts and stuff are there when they are really important.  However, when characters talk, there are cuts, but they aren't as noticable so I haven't written them in. Comprende?
The banners: They rock, huh?  The Spring Semester logo is by ksilver (Shrew76) and most of the episode banners are by alta starlet.  Grown Ups is by Shrew and NBHorn.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.
Episode 1: Home Alone
Premiere Date: January 7-ish, 2001
Rating: TV-14 (or a little less)
Story by: Estee and Harmony
Written by: Estee
What you need to know: Wow.  So, here we go.  First episode.  Fun stuff.  I'm not going to say to much.  I don't really know how to set this one up.  Every one is coming back for the new semester.  Jill gets a new roommate named Gwen.   I've read Paul Stupin talking about the episodes of Dawson's Creek and he always says the premiere sets up the season.  He's right, though I hate to admit that.  Anyway, moving on...there's references to music in this episode.  I was going to upload them, but you guys can probably get them as fast as I can.  Let me know what you think about that.    Yeah...that's all the setting up you need.  You just kind of have to read this one.  If I can think of anything else I will let you know.  As always, enjoy.....
Episode 2: Replacement Reaction
Premiere Date: March 14-ish (ok, more like 17), 2001
Rating: TV-14 (or a little less)
Story by: Estee and Harmony
Written by: Estee and Harmony (who actually, physically wrote this time)
What you need to know: Well, this is way over due.  Also, no story lines really get advanced because it's kind of a stand alone episode.  However, it is very much Ryder's episode. He has a lot of interaction with Gwen.  The reason for that will be revealed and you may figure it out before it is.  Other than the fact that it's really long, I'm not sure why it took six weeks to write this.  Maybe because class...then vacation got in the way.  We did borrow a ten-year-old's l'aptop so we could work on the episode as we sat in the car at the set of Dawson's Creek while waiting for Josh Jackson to show up.  But, I digress.  Back to what you need to know.  I owe you a guest stars page which will show Anna Paquin as Gwen and Famke Jensen (from X-Men and The Faculty) as Johanna Ryan (the teacher Will and Bella talked about briefly).  I'll do that when I'm not using Harmony's dad's laptop and rushing to post this thing.  But, I'm getting off topic again.  In the episode Scout is a little insane, but he's also amusing.  Okay, Im going to post this.  Later and enjoy....
Episode 3: Point of View
Premiere Date: April 26
Rating: TV-14
Story by: Estee and Harmony
Written by: Estee and Harmony
What you need to know: Uh...yeah so...this is well over due.  This is the voice over episode.  All the major characters have a voice over (sans Finn).  It's kind of neat, but probably kind of confusing so I bolded and italicized the names of the person with the voice over.  It's even more confusing when the voice over person is in the scene.  But, you'll figure it out.  Note that not everyone gets deep like Will; most of what they say is running commentary about what's going on.  Also, there are alternate voice overs for some sections (links will be found in the commercial break following such a section).  My advice is to read those in the end simply because when you go back you'll be at the beginning of the episode again...and I would personally find that annoying.  As far as plot, the Jill/Scout story line is a little weak...along with the Will/Finn/Johanna story line.  Actually, I'm not too happy with any of the story lines, but the voice overs are meaningful and...kind of fun.  Oh, hold the mouse over the banner for a few seconds...a new point of view never hurts, after all.  Enjoy...
Episode 4: Grown Up
Premiere Date: June 3, 2001
Rating: TV-14
Story by: Estee and Harmony
Written by: Estee and Harmony
What you need to know: So, this is extremely over-due, but here it is nonetheless.  It's kind of a functional episode.  Jake and Ham needed to talk about sex so...they do.  A lot.  Other stuff happens with everyone else,'ll figure it out.  Ryder is a little schizophrenic...not sure how that happened.  I hope he's not too far from his original character.  He's graduating soon, though's about time he got it together.  I know everyone's going to think he's not quite himself.  Scout and Jill deal with their respective parents.  Some amusing antics result.  Will has some trouble with his dad and turns to Bella for a shoulder to cry on.  I'd like to say that the episode is well worth the wait, but...I won't.  I will say that we already know what the next episode is going to be about and it will be better.  So, enjoy this one least it's new.  And, thanks for remaining loyal and patiently waiting.
Episode 5: I Think I Can
Premiere Date: July 9, 2001
Rating: TV-14
Story by: Estee and Harmony
Written by: Estee and Harmony
What you need to know: So I know you're not really surprised at the typical tardiness that should now be expected, but I apologize for it nonetheless.  The most important thing to keep in mind is this episode is PART ONE OF TWO.  I think the episode turned out really well, but...I should say now, there's not a lot of Jake and Hamilton.  The other stories are starting to develop and we think that's a good thing.  Ryder's still being weird.  Will and Bella are dealing with the repercussions of the last episode.  Scout and Jill are dealing with Scout's personality crisis.  Finn and Johanna are dealing with Meagan.  And, Sean is working on becoming Most Likely to Succeed.  Searching for the Jahammer sections might prove to be a challenge...we've littered them with other characters.  Enjoy...
Episode 6: I Will
Premiere Date: August 22, 2001
Rating: TV-14
Story by: Estee and Harmony
Written by: Estee and Harmony
What you need to know: This episode was supposed to be done a long time ago, "but circumstance gets in the way."  This is the follow-up to the previous episode, I Think I Can.  If you think you can't remember what happened in it, you might want to peruse it before diving into I Will.  Kind of a lot happens and the episode goes in a completely different direction from where it begins, plotwise anyway.  Basically, the structure sucks, but I think Will addresses that in some way in the end of the episode.  We've got a good idea for how to write the next episode so that it's not so all over the place.  As far as the'll just have to see.  Theme?  This one is about choices/decisions and you'll know that because it's re-stated and overstated.  As always, enjoy...
Episode 7: Build Up
Premiere Date: August 29, 2001
Rating: TV-14
Story by: Estee and Harmony
Written by: Estee and Harmony
What you need to know: This episode is kind of like that one episode that you don't feel the need to watch over and over.  I'm not saying I think it's bad...I really like the storylines, especially the Finn/Johanna one, but...I'm probably in a small majority.  To balance, there are Jahammer scenes that are totally for fun and do not advance the plot at all.  Of, course, there are some important ones too.  I don't really have major what you need to know type stuff.  I think you just have to read.  And, considering this one is out a week after the last one...maybe you haven't forgotten too much.  Anyway and as always, Enjoy...
Episode 8: Out
Premiere Date: September 12, 2001
Rating: TV-14
Story by: Estee and Harmony
Written by: Estee and Harmony
Beta Read by: Anne (it's always good to room with an English major)
What you need to know: This episode is voiced by Ryder.  Will takes a backseat and so do his story lines.  He'll be back in the driver's seat next season.  As far as for what this episode is about, Ryder is graduating and getting out of the counrty.  He's also figuring out a lot about himself and looking to Jake to help him with that.  The "out" theme has a lot to do with freedom and I think by the end of the episode, Ryder will have gained the freedom he's been looking for this episode and this semester.  As far as everyone else, they're making plans for the summer.  We've tactically split up the major couples (Scout/Jill; Jake/Ham) for the summer sending someone to NYC and someone else to London.  Sean is going to baseball camp.  Will gets a new job (no Friendly's this summer).  We also mentioned email a bunch so as to set up something we're working on to cover the "summer."  More to come on that.  I hope you enjoy this episode.  It's weird that everyone is now a year older.  I think they characters have grown and come together and I hope this episode preserves and displays that.  Enjoy...
Now that you've finished with the Spring Semester, check out Junior Year
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